Welcome to "A Taste for Tu"

Welcome to my blog, "A Taste for Tu"! Hi, you can call me "D2", and I'll be your host.

I recently moved to Northwest Arkansas in the past five years. I’ve loved living here and I want to share some of it with the world. As a foodie, I’ve tried out numerous dining spots in this region and I have been delighted with the variety of food I’ve encountered.

Every so often, I’m asked to make restaurant recommendations to my friends. Now, I decided it would be interesting to record some of my favorites for posterity.

Word of warning: this is not a food critic’s blog. I don’t have culinary training, nor do I possess an incredible palate. What I do have, though, is plenty of curiosity and plenty of words to paint a delectable picture. If what I tasted made an imprint on my mind, then I want you to share in some small way what I experienced. 

As a point of focus, I want to write about local establishments that may not have the profile of a national or regional chain. Unfortunately, the COVID pandemic has strained our global supply chain, which has adversely affected small businesses. I am not a famous social media influencer, but what little influence I do have I want to pour into my community. 

 Northwest Arkansas is one of the fastest growing metro areas in the United States, and I figure denizens both new and old would like to hear how some of their own are putting their mark in the local business community. 

 Over the next month, I will highlight several restaurants that I hope pique your interest. Looking forward to hearing your comments and suggestions!

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